Learning Centre
“We will reach new generations through the new tools that God has given us. Never has our ability to grow our community been greater. In 2024, we will be able to share the Word of God – and empower those who share it – with an online reach that surpasses all that has come before.”
Alan K. Scotland, founder of Lifelink Global.
Lifelink Global is an apostolic initiative. Our Bible Colleges, learning centres and evangelism have always been the foundation of our ministry. Today, we are seeking to develop one of the finest and most comprehensive online learning centres, which will bring the Word of God to the world in new and energising ways.
It has never been easier for teachers and students of God to learn together and this will be the new foundation from which the next generation will grow Lifelink Global.
Download our guide:
Leaders Digest: Church and the Child

Consider the ‘Phenomenon of the Child’ and learn how to accept, receive and welcome children as co-equal members of the community of God's people.
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Leaders Digest: Governance in the Church

Learn how governance, leadership and authority should be outworked and expressed in the life of the church, and how to provide clarity to different roles.
Download our guide:
Leaders Digest: Back to the Word

Explore the origin and value of the Scriptures, how they can be undermined if we are not fully confident in them, and how they can help us lead a better life.
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Leaders Digest: Mission Evangelism and Discipleship

Join us as we explore the mission of God, revealed in his Word and how we can best communicate His message to those who need it most.
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Leaders Digest: Church and the Family

Learn about the history and characteristics of Christian marriage and discover how we should approach family and singlehood.
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Leaders Digest: Sexuality - Same-Sex Attraction

Learn how to approach the issue of same-sex attraction with understanding and compassion, and how to help those in your congregation to reinforce their God-given identity.
The Lifelink Global Learning Centre is pleased to announce the launch of our 3-Part Course on Prophecy. The material includes a set of comprehensive notes and a video of a training course on this subject, given over Zoom in November 2020. We guarantee you will find it inspiring and life-changing.
Download our guide:
'You May All Prophesy'

That is the promise made to us by God. We all have the gift of prophecy if only we learn to listen to God's voice and let Him guide us in our ministry.
Download our guide:
The Ministry of the Prophet in the Modern World

Anyone can learn to listen to the Holy Spirit and communicate His messages to churches and individuals.
Download our guide:
Listening to God

To prophesy means ‘to speak for or on behalf of’. But we are to speak on behalf of God, we must first learn to listen to Him until we can hear His voice with clarity.